Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Acht Stunden bis nach Deutschland!

There it is! Ich kann es immer noch nicht fassen, dass ich in einer Stunde schon kanadischen Boden verlassen werde! Ich werde sehr viel an diese Zeit zurückdenken und jede Chance, die mir erlaubt hierher zurückzukommen, auf jeden Fall ergreifen!
Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich alleine fliege, und soweit gab es keine Probleme, außer dass mein Handgepäck (!) zu viel wiegt. Das hieß, ich musste meine Schneehose, zwei Paar Schuhe und sechs Handtücher zurücklassen.
Ich habe schon einige Tränen vergossen heute, aber ich bin auch sehr aufgeregt, in neun Stunden meine Familie wiederzusehen!
So, das Boarding beginnt bald!
See you soon in Germany!

Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015

Five days!

Sadly, we did not win the game on Thursday. However, we had lots of fun! 
On Friday, we had prom of the graduates this year. Everyone was dressed up really nicely and had a big party (not in our school though).

This weekend, most people used to study, since this week (today was the first day) are the final exams, that make up 30 percent of our final grade! For some, it will be the chance to push their grade up a little, for many, it will be a battle not to fail (you fail if you have a final grade under 50 %). 
Our exams take about three hours each and everyone has a unique plan for their four exams. Today at eight o’clock, I had my first exam in science. I think I did pretty well.
Tomorrow, it will be history and today I’ve been studying for seven (!) hours. Wish me luck!

PS:I already started packing a little. Our room will be so empty and sad :/

Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015

10 Tage!

Ich bin schon so aufgeregt! In zehn Tagen bin ich wieder in Deutschland! Unglaublich, wie schnell die Zeit vergangen ist! Aber bevor ich über Abschied nachdenke, geht es heute Nachmittag dann auch nochmal um die Wurst, wenn die beiden besten Teams aus dem „4 on 4“, unserem schulinternen kleinem Turnier (das über sechs Wochen gedauert hat) im Finale gegeneinander antreten! Es wird auch insofern speziell, als dass es das letzte Mal sein wird, dass wir mit der OHA auf dem Eis stehen werden. Ich werde meine Teamkameraden vermissen. :/
 Und diese beiden Teams sind Rot (mit mir), auch die roten Panther, und Gelb, der Favorit von Anfang an.
Es wird auf jeden Fall ein aufregendes Spiel und ich werde alles geben, damit wir gewinnen. Ich berichte natürlich hinterher. :)
Habt einen schönen Tag, ich hoffe in Deutschland habt ihr so schönes Wetter wie hier!

Samstag, 9. Mai 2015

Sightseeing-Weekend in Montreal

Welcome back from the holidays, my friends!
Even though I got back a while ago, I wanted to show you a little more of the beautiful old city of Montreal.
I hope, you enjoy my little tour!

First, we will go to the old port of Montreal, one of the biggest havens in Canada in the past. Today, there are more tourists than ships and it is a beautiful recreation opportunity for the people of Montreal. Have a little pause of the fast city living on the piers with views on the Saint Lawrence River. Is it not a majestic feeling to be on the same height of the sea gulls and feel the wind in your hair? There is still some ice floating on the water, but it is sunny and comfortably warm. The port is very close to Montreal’s old city, where we will go next.

Here you can find anything your heart wants; there are plenty of art galleries, cafes, and souvenir and wine shops. You can spend quite a lot of time here, looking and strolling (schlendern) around.

On Easter Sunday, we go to the “Place des Armes” with the famous basilica de Notre Dame de Montréal. 
It is similar to Notre Dame in France from the outside, however, in the inside, it has unique architecture I have never seen anywhere else. It is one of the most visited churches in North America and you have to pay five dollars to get in. As you can see on the name, (Notre Dame= our lady) the church is dedicated (gewidmet) to the holy Virgin Mary. That is the cause why the church is dominated by the color blue (blue is the color of Mary). There is a little, modern chapel behind the church. Whoever wants more information, write me an Email or write in the comments! To finish this day off, we will try a Canadian specialty, the “maple taffy”.  It is basically heated maple syrup, which is put on ice or snow. You then take a stick and roll the hardened syrup on it so you can take it and eat it on the way. It is very sweet and I guarantee you, you d not want to eat anything sweet afterwards.

So, that was our little tour of Montréal. I saw and tried a lot of things and had an awesome time. In the next few days, I will also report of my day in Québec city.
As you can see, I tried something new today; leave me a little evaluation, if I should write in German or in English in the comments and also in the questionnaire (Umfrage) above. I would love to hear, what you think! See you soon!